Social Service Programs

HCA staff can help you with: Social Security /Disability, Mass Heath, housing assistance funds, housing search, financial literacy education, and direct referrals to food access, fuel assistance, mental health counseling, domestic violence support, employment services, legal services and more.

To receive assistance, please call to make an appointment: 781-859-5294, ext 7 for Renea Duran 

Renea may meet you by appointment at our office at 252 Massachusetts Ave.  On the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, she can be found at the Robbins Library (700 Mass. Ave.) from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.  On the first Tuesday of each month, she is at Arlington Eats, 117 Broadway from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.

[These services are not provided during state or national holidays]

See additional details below.

HCA-Owned Affordable Housing

Are you looking for affordable housing in Arlington?

If you fit the income guidelines (see below), please print and fill out an Application for HCA’s Affordable Apartment Program.

If you need help with the application, contact Renea Duran at 781-859-5294 x7 or

You can also call our property management office for more information: 781-777-2345

Maximum Income Limits for HCA Affordable Housing (2023-2024)

1 person household: $62,340
2 person household: $71,280
3 person household: $80,160
4 person household: $89,040
5 person household: $96,180
6 person household: $103,320

Homelessness Prevention Program

Are you or someone you know facing a housing crisis?

HCA’s Homelessness Prevention Program was set up to help people experiencing a crisis with their housing. Direct small grants are given to help individuals and families facing difficult financial circumstances. The goal is to keep people in Arlington from becoming homeless.

Contact Renea Duran to get started: 781-859-5294 x7 or

Eligible Costs: The program can be used to help pay back rent, security deposit, or moving expenses, but only when it is clear that this payment will stabilize the applicant’s housing situation for the coming year. This is not intended to be a monthly rent subsidy, and cannot be used to pay real estate taxes, utility bills, or fuel costs.

Income Limits: Applicants must earn at or below 60% of the Area Median Income, which is updated annually by HUD. Find more details on the HPP page.

Administration: The program is supported largely by private donations from individuals and businesses and is administered by the non-profit Housing Corporation of Arlington. A three-person Review Committee, appointed by the Housing Corporation of Arlington, will make all funding decisions.  The Review Committee is made up of a representative of the Housing Corporation of Arlington, a representative of the Town’s Human Services Department, and a third member appointed from the community. Every effort is made to act quickly on behalf of people in need.

Funding Limits: Assistance will only be granted if there is a reasonable assurance that it will stabilize a family’s housing for at least six months. A household may receive a grant no more than twice and the second grant will only be made two years or more after the first. If in the unanimous opinion of the Review Committee, there are compelling and extenuating circumstances, exceptions to funding limits may be made.

Funding Priorities: In the event that funds are insufficient to help all eligible applicants, priority will be given to victims of family violence, families with young children and the disabled. All applicants must have housing in Arlington.

Financial Literacy

HCA partners with local banks to offer a financial literacy course 2 – 3 times each year. Learn how best to manage your household income and perhaps even save for the future.

Contact Renea to find out when the next course will start:

Renea Duran 781-859-5294 x7


Find links to more resources on our RESOURCES page.