HCA Newsletter

On this page we share HCA’s most recent monthly newsletter.

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July 2024 Newsletter

HCA Newsletter, July 2024

Ribbon Cutting for 40 Dorothy ADU!
10 Sunnyside Ave Got Its State Funding!
HCA Tenant Council Held Second Meeting
HCA Talked TOPA With Senator Friedman Staff
There’s Still Time — HCA Fundraising Campaign Underway

~You are Invited!~

Dorothy Road ADU Ribbon Cutting

Monday, July 22, 2024
2:00 pm
On site at 40 Dorothy Road, Rear, in East Arlington

Light refreshments, short speaking program, & tour of the completed affordable home!

40-Rear Dorothy Road, June, 2024

Join HCA, Reframe Systems, the Town of Arlington, and other community member to celebrate the completion of this unique project!

This accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is Arlington’s first Passive House certified affordable unit, and Arlington’s first all-electric affordable unit. It is also the Town’s first 100% solar powered affordable unit!

The project was funded in large part by the Arlington Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

RSVPs encouraged: 40 Dorothy Rd Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (google.com)

In Case You Missed It — 10 Sunnyside Ave Was Funded!!
State funding rounds for affordable housing are VERY competitive. There are always more projects, needing more money, than the state has available in any one round.

But, thanks for hard work of our project team, our 10 Sunnyside Ave application was strong enough to be funded this time!  This is an incredible project milestone. We are so grateful to everyone who contributed in so many ways to get the project to this point.

The state’s Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities awarded funds to 27 affordable housing projects across the state during this round.

The funding that HCA got for our project includes federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits and other state funding programs for affordable housing. The project is also already benefitting from awards of Arlington CPA funds and Arlington Affordable Housing Trust funds. We acquired the property with a loan from The Life Initiative, which invests funds from the life insurance industry.

It will take several months before we close on the state awarded financing and can start construction. During that time, we are finalizing the architectural documents and preparing to break ground.

We expect to start construction in late winter or early spring 2025. The project is expected to be ready for occupancy by late summer 2026.

Tenants will be selected by lottery. The application for the lottery won’t be available likely until sometime in early 2026. If you or someone you know would like to receive the application once it is available, please email Erica to get on that list: eschwarz@housingcorparlington.org

HCA Tenant Council Held Second Meeting
Tenant Council Steering Committee Member Sherika Williamson facilitates.

The second portfolio-wide meeting of HCA’s Tenant Council took place on June 13th at the Robbins Library. There was great energy in the room!

Over dinner, the Tenant Council built on the accomplishments of the last meeting, discussing different ways to ensure that all HCA tenants can access the resources  and quality of life that we all need in our lives.

Attendees were treated to a presentation on the organizational structure of HCA given by HCA Director Erica, and made connections between how HCA and our properties are funded and how that may impact their day-to-day lives in their homes.

The group also set priorities for the property management issues they want to address and discussed how to share information and resources with each other. Many attendees of the meeting were at a Tenant Council meeting for the first time, which led to some amazing new perspectives. The contributions of every member of the Tenant Council in attendance were invaluable for the group; every idea that was shared during the meeting will become a foundational building block for the future agenda of the council.

The meeting was led by leaders of the Tenant Council’s Steering Committee; they initiated and moderated discussion, provided ideas, took notes, and even started fundraising for the Tenant Council! A hat was passed and the funds collected will be used for future Tenant Council needs.

Tenant Council Steering Committee Member & HCA Board Member, Tina Anderson, leading conversation
HCA Advocated for TOPA with Senator Friedman’s Staff

In late June, HCA met with staff from Senator Cindy Friedman’s office to advocate for TOPA (Tenant Opportunity to Purchase). Our group was made up of 7 total HCA members, including 5 low-income tenants who know first-hand how the housing crisis is hurting local families. HCA’s Executive Director Erica Schwarz brought this group together to advocate for this important legislation that HCA has endorsed.

It was a rich and productive conversation. Everyone who was on the call wants to see more affordable housing created in Arlington. TOPA would give tenants who live in a building that the owner plans to sell the opportunity to match a market rate offer and buy the building themselves. Or, the tenants could tap a nonprofit like HCA to purchase the property on their behalf. Regardless, the building would become restricted as affordable housing.

Building new affordable buildings is important — but it is just as important that we capture homes that are not currently protected from the market in order to preserve them as affordable. This is especially important when the buildings are occupied by tenants who are struggling to pay their rent, or who will struggle to pay the rent once a new owner comes in.

The current legislative session ends on July 31st. The TOPA legislation was not in the State Senate’s final housing bill, but it was in the House’s version. We are hopeful that the final version that the full legislature will vote on will include TOPA.  Senator Friedman and Arlington’s two State Representatives, Dave Rogers and Sean Garballey are all strong affordable housing supporters. They have all stated some support for TOPA so we hope they will do all they can to see it pass!

HCA’s Spring-Summer Fundraising Campaign is still underway!

If you have not yet donated, please consider giving today.

The need has grown and HCA’s expenses have also risen. Thanks in advance for giving as generously as you can.